When was the mid tribulation theory created
However, with the accuracy of the prophecy, 34 AD would be the most accurate choice. We can now see the brilliance or Christian prophecy and how God planned this out. Will you accept it friends? I sure hope that you do. Current Theme Previous Themes. The Decameron Project. Submit your story. Submit Your Story. March 29, 9th Grade By: Diego Fernandez. Share this story. Share on facebook. Share on twitter. Share on pinterest.
Share on whatsapp. Share on email. Check Out Some Other Stories. I felt a sharp pain in Mature Content. We had spent the night sweeping the living The Little Brown Broomstick. Seeing What to We Want to See. That is, if the abomination of desolation is an event we can observe happening, wouldn't that signal that the rapture will be imminent? Since the prewrath position requires the rise of Antichrist and his abomination of desolation before the rapture, it means that, in this view, the rapture is not imminent in the sense of being able to happen at any moment.
Matthew —33 suggests that this is proper. Do you think it gives off the impression that Christians are just eager to escape the world and leave it to its own destruction? Paul enjoined against something like the first problem in the Thessalonian letters and Jesus something like the second in John. Getting things straight scripturally is important, but majoring on the minors and becoming arrogant and unloving in the process, both toward insiders and outsiders, is not of the Spirit.
How should Christians defend the idea of the rapture in a more intelligent or believable way? Well, defending what the Bible says is always going to be a joke as far as the world is concerned. More knowledgeable Christians can try to explain to an incredulous world what defensible interpretations lead us to conclude about the return of Christ. In the midst of various interpretations of the end times, what would you say are the most important eschatological truths or facts that all Christians should cling to?
Things indisputably taught in Scripture and central to our faith are essential; things less clearly taught are non-essential. That Jesus is coming again to vindicate his church and judge the enemies of God is the big essential. That is the blessed hope of the church. When and how are not as essential. That there will be a resurrection of the dead, some to eternal life and some to eternal suffering, is essential.
What the new heavens and earth will be like, what the kingdom of God on earth will be like, etc. Alan Hultberg M. Let us also note some words of Jesus.
In Matthew 24, Jesus tells His disciples, "They will deliver you up to tribulation [ thlipsin ], and put you to death" v. Clearly tribulation here precedes the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Some interpreters, however, argue that although all Christians go through some tribulation, there is yet a "great tribulation" to come that true believers will not have to endure. In any case, this "great tribulation" is also prior to the return of Christ and the rapture. For, further on, in Matthew 24, Jesus says, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light These last words clearly relate to the rapture here depicted as the gathering of "the elect" , and unmistakably refer to an occurrence after "great tribulation.
The other place where the expression "great tribulation" is utilized is in Revelation, chapter 7. John, beholding "a great multitude" v. But "out of" surely does not mean to be removed from; rather these believers have endured "the great tribulation" and have now come out of it, praising God and the Lamb. Here again "great tribulation" seems to refer to what happens upon the whole earth see the opening words of Rev.
Chapter 7 earlier describes the sealing of , "servants of our God" vv. These believers rather than escaping out of tribulation by way of rapture were sealed by God for their protection while going through it.
Moreover, all of this happens prior to the return of Christ, which is not actually described until chapter The rapture of the church is not an incidental but a fundamental doctrine of the New Testament. It is the greatest hope that Christ gave to the church. The biblical writers speak of it as a blessed hope Tit , a purifying hope 1 Thess , a comforting hope 1 Thess and a sure hope 2 Pet.
Since there is much confusion among Christians concerning the rapture, the following study should be helpful in clarifying the subject. This article will briefly examine five views regarding the rapture, including each position, its proponents, supposed proofs, and any problems associated with each view. The rapture is seen as a reward for being faithful to Christ. As believers are purged during the tribulation, they are raptured in groups, as described in Rev —14; ; and Well-known Bible scholars such as G.
Pember and J. Seiss advocated the partial rapture view. Illustrative of this position are the words of W. Petersburg, FL, n. Proponents of this view turn to passages emphasizing waiting and watching, as in Mt —51, —13; Lk —36, ; 1 Cor ; Phil —12; 1 Thess ; 2 Tim ; Tit ; Heb —28 and Rev —10, —6.