Where is pest control in vault 22

And by we, I mean you, of course. I suppose it's possible that the gas triggered some kind of defensive reaction. Hordes of previously slumbering creatures may have awoken and entered a killing frenzy, ripping the hapless scientists into quivering, bloody chunks. You'll have to let me know when you get back from going downstairs. Vault two-two! That's where I grew up! I've been to Vault No one's lived there in years.

I may have been exaggerating a little. Truth is, I got this suit and the Pit-Boy off a dead prospector who came out from Zion.

Guy was dead when I found him, okay? Had a ton of shit on him. That's how I know there's good loot in Zion, see? The experiment could be said to have exceeded all expectations, but with horrific side-effects.

Many have attempted to locate the data the scientists left behind, but so far nobody has returned alive. The vault is open, but warning signs surround it from people lucky enough to survive their initial encounter with the vault's inhabitable. Don't forget to check the Hollowed-Out Rock on the right side of the gully, across from the "Keep Out! Fallout: New Vegas locations. Cut locations. Canon Vaults. Non-canon Vaults. Categories Citation needed Vault RDF feed. Has platform. Universal Conquest Wiki.

The following is based on Fallout: New Vegas cut content. End of information based on Fallout: New Vegas cut content.

PC Playstation 3 Xbox On the top floor of the common areas, one of the rooms has a booth seat placed close to a wall that is only visible from certain angles, if the player sits in this boot they will glitch into the wall and upon getting up will be stuck inside the wall.

Make sure ED-E is in a room where he is protected from the flames as he can be "killed" even if you are not in Hardcore mode and never register as being dead in fact you will still see a marker indicating that he is at Vault 22 thus robbing you of having a second follower for the rest of the game.

If you don't want to have to worry about this, just have him wait at the entrance or at your Lucky 38 suite. This can happen to Veronica too. You can still see the 92 but it also shows a and an overwrite sign from the doors you need to use the console to see this. This makes them run off to the corners of rooms, stairwells, etc. Exiting the game and restarting from that point seems to fix this problem, however, if the problem still persists she may be found stuck in a wall in Oxygen Recycling identified by a non-hostile line on your radar.

Use explosives on the wall where she is trapped; if she is damaged she will turn hostile and spawn again in the corridor. If you want to pursue the quest, as usual, go to a different floor and wait an hour. When you return to oxygen recycling, she will be found non-hostile in her correct place so the quest can be finished. To avoid this bug entirely, get the cartridges before you speak to her for the first time.

They are likely to spawn when you exit, though, so be prepared for five or so mantises on top of you if this happens. They are noted on your world map as being at Vault 22, but they are not there. Since you've already dealt with the data, you cannot do anything else for her after activating the gas on the 5th floor and remain locked in.

To get the code to unlock the doors, either pickpocket or kill Keely after being asked to activate the gas. Once you have the password, use the terminal in the same room Keely is in to unlock doors.

Should you return to Williams, and did not kill Keely to get the password, she'll pay you, and you will also gain XP for saving Keely as well. If the player wants to just get power armor and leave, then Hardin is the fastest option to do so. Now McNamara wants the player to retrieve the reports of scouts sent to investigate the state of the NCR.

If you do choose to overthrow him, I believe you wont get the heavy armor training from McNamara plus, as Gamer-Chris said, you wont get BoS help you during the final battle. However if you choose to overthrow him, you will get a quest from Hardin where you have to wipe out all the VanGraffs at Silver Rush.

You can also do the NCR path, which never requires the platinum chip. You never even have to enter the Tops. Grab the flamethrower in the ultilty, it makes things way easier. User Info: IgotEpixx. In Fallout there's alot of one way routes and if you don't have the skills needed or items needed, tough luck.

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I can't fix the elevator yet because I don't have 50 repair, so where do i go?


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