Why do people ban ezreal

We wanted to target something that resonates with his ability-flinging identity. Q - Mystic Shot. E cooldown increased. AP Ezreal's burst has made him a bit of a terror, so we're taking some power out of the build and hitting his early game safety. R damage decreased against minions and non-epic monsters but no longer falls off per target hit. We promised we'd look out for AP Ezreal after his update, so we're back with a few more changes.

Apart from some pure power-ups to W, we're also pushing the difference between builds by making Trueshot Barrage—which is stronger for AP Ezreal—a more powerful AoE teamfight ability. W - Essence Flux. R - Trueshot Barrage. Ezreal's champion update brings some significant visual, audio, and lore level-ups to the Prodigal Explorer. Ezreal's update differs from other VGUs in the gameplay department: His kit's held up well over the years, and the only ability that needed a makeover was his W, Essence Flux.

Within a suite of spells that make Ezreal feel like an ace spellslinger, Essence Flux felt unremarkable… when it was even noticed. We've given the Prodigal Explorer a new W that has a more appreciable place in his kit and even adds a few new decisions for Ezreal players to consider.

We'd be remiss not to mention AP Ezreal, a playstyle we want to preserve with this update. Though the new Essence Flux plays quite differently than a pass-through skillshot, it still packs a punch with some AP itemization. It also gives AP Ezreal much stronger structure damage as well as more reliability from Arcane Shift. W - Essence Flux Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit.

Hitting the orb with an ability or attack detonates it. Detonating with an ability refunds mana. Passive - Rising Spell Force. Jarvan IV. Lee Sin. Ez is still running rampant after the scaling nerfs we shipped partway through last patch, so we're making it easier to boot him out of lane without letting him hit his item cost thresholds. In particular, this may leave him stuck on Tear of the Goddess potentially not even that without damage items for longer.

Ez is another non-crit marksman who was already prevalent leading up to 8. In his case, he actually got a direct buff via Blade of the Ruined King. It doesn't really make sense for him to have a safe lane phase even bullying some laners while also having best-in-class midgame power, so we're tuning down his early game strength.

Back when we buffed Mystic Shot in 7. Flash forward seven patches, and with how strong Kleptomancy is on him, it's clear he no longer needs that additional baseline power. Due to the long range, low cooldown, and low mana cost on Mystic Shot, Ez gets to harass people during early laning phase.

We really like this pattern for Ez, so we're letting him capitalize harder on both his early lane phase and double-item spike. With Aegis of the Legion's old aura out of the game, squishy champions who were relying on it to give them enough magic resist find themselves a bit on the burstable side. At present however, the degree to which Ezreal loses steam makes him a liability for all but the most single-mindedly mid-game focused teams.

Back in 5. As a result, the frequency of Trueshot Barrages are at an all-time high, terrorizing teamfights, objectives, and minion waves alike. We like the flexibility that Ezreal's global nuke brings to the table, but when he's able to overclock his cooldowns to the point of controlling lanes and having it up for an impending teamfight, something's gotta give.

Just a small tweak to reinforce Ezreal's synergies with cooldown reduction, especially given its new availability to marksman with the new Essence Reaver check below! The world is ending. Ezreal players have always been separated into two camps: those that Arcane Shift away from danger, and those that Arcane Shift directly into it. Who needs an escape? Use with caution please. Main Page All Pages. Main page Recent changes Random page Join our Discord! Editing Help.

New to League? Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk 0. Hitpoint Winter. Hextech Series Split 3. Super Copa Flow UPL Fall Playoffs. Claro Stars Cup CNM Closing Playoffs.

NEST Circuito Tormenta Italy Playoffs. Trinity Force Puchar Polski LEA Split 3. Match History. Ban History. Biography Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts.

Or ahead. Probably everywhere. They must still be out there, somewhere… Abandoning his reluctant studies, the budding explorer would strike out on his own. Then again, backup plans are a particular specialty of mine. Another impossible ruin traversed. Another treasure to prove the truth of my daring tales. And all before lunch. Rising Spell Force [Passive]. Active: Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing physical damage applies on-hit effects.

Ezreal's cooldowns are reduced by 1. Active: Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit for 4 seconds. Active: Ezreal teleports to a nearby location and fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing magic damage. Active: Ezreal winds up for 1 second to fire a long-range missile that deals magic damage to each enemy it passes through. MF outdated. Aphelios overrated. Long have you waited. No longer jebaited. Ez's new W isn't packing as much of a punch as we'd like.

General updated : Ezreal and his skins have all received full visual and audio updates! Nottingham, Striker, Explorer, and Pulsefire Ezreal have received brand new splashes. You can find them all on League Displays! LORE : Ezreal's lore has been updated. A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease.

His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way Base Ezreal Stats. Health - Mana - Damage 60 - Attack Range Armor 24 - Magic Resist 30 - Move Speed Energy Type Mana. Data Analysis. If the actual ban-rate is significantly higher, it indicates that a champion is being banned more than their stats deserve. I admit this method has its weaknesses; i. Upon inspection, ban-rate does appear to be a linear function of pick-rate. However, it is difficult to say exactly whether ban-rate is a linear function of win-rate, since the relationship between the two is surprisingly weak to begin with.

Another concern is whether the win-rate and play-rate are correlated with each other, since you ideally want independent features for multivariate regression. Originally posted by Pozay Is it really though? People typically ban somewhat fairly for frustration instead of power. Fun Fact: This Arcane song is an original. Claggor and Powder - thanks for everything! Leona Radiant Dawn. Champions That Ezreal Counters These are the Best Matchups and should avoid being picked if you are trying to counter pick.

Varus The Arrow of Retri Lucian The Purifier. Kalista The Spear of Vengeance. Jinx Loose Cannon. Corki Daring Bombardier. Kalista Spear of Vengeance. Xayah Rebel. Similar picks.

Ban suggestions. Miss Fortune.


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