Why warp to abyss
Two act as warping points. Tomb of the Giants Warping Point — At the bottom of the third and last sliding bridge, down a nearby ladder. It is within the vicinity of Patches. The cathedral of the deep itself in particular was once a sacred peaceful place and was used for sealing abhorrent things, no doubt curses, given the Deep accursed and curse sheild there.
Manus was the controller of humanity in the Chasm because, if assuming the above theories are true, he is the furtive pygmy, the master of the dark soul, the root of Humanity and the Age of Dark.
Ash Lake, in some sense, is the base or foundation of the world. The Blighttown swamp is right above one of those trees namely the Great Hollow. If you have the Lordvessel though and didn't go to Kingseeker Frampt in Firelink Shrine with it, then will see Darkstalker Kaathe beside the bonfire. He'll take you to the Firelink Alter to place the Lordvessel and will also allow you enter the Darkwraith covenant - read up on this covenant to decide if you want to join.
NOTE: Be aware that placing the Lordvessel with Kaathe will anger Frampt , and you will no longer be able to avail of his services for this playthrough. Once you're done here the next stop is The Duke's Archives , so warp to the 'Anor Londo' bonfire to continue the main quest.
Fun fact: you can warp from this bonfire without the lordvessel, if you kill the four kings before acquiring it. Nice forethought by the devs. Sign In Help Sign Out. NathanTaylor The bonfire in the queelag's domain is probably the closest to the demon ruins. I believe it is possible to warp to the 'depth' without the 'artorias of the abyss' dlc.
You can only get to these Depths when you have the DLC — 5pike. Show 2 more comments. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Screenshot of the Week. Answered How do I beat the bosses in the Abyss? Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password?
Where is the abyss? How do I go to the abyss? How do you get out of the abyss if you don't have the lordvessel? Can I play the artorias of the abyss dlc by itself?