What happens if everyone leaves a league game
Teams will have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field a legal team. Shorthanded teams may play a legal game with a minimum of 7 players, with at least 2 of them being females.
Teams fielding less than 7 players or without at least 2 women will receive a forfeit. Teams who agree to play under these conditions will loose the option of receiving a forfeit win.
Teams may pick up players during the regular season in order to field a full team. Substitutes will not be allowed during playoffs. If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game.
However, this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit. The winning team will choose a goal to defend and the loser will kick-off. Consists of the ball being placed at midfield on the center spot. The ball is in play once it is touched forward by any player. All substitute players must notify the referee before entering the game.
Substitutions may occur during the following instances:. Players involved in an illegal substitution are subject to a caution yellow card if the referee deems necessary.
If a team is currently playing a game shorthanded and has a player arrive late, the entering player must receive permission from the referee before entering the field and may not enter during play.
In playoffs no non-roster players will be allowed to play. Play will be divided into two 2 25 minute halves for coed and two 2 40 minute halves for men's leagues, separated by a very brief halftime. There will be a running clock maintained by the referee. The clock will stop only during serious injury time-outs. If time wasting is being employed by a team, the offending player may be cautioned yellow card , at referee's discretion.
A game will be considered played in full when second half starts. Goals may be scored on direct kicks. All players on the field other than the goalie must be behind the ball and outside of the penalty area until it is kicked. The goalie must remain on the goal line until the ball is kicked. An indirect free kick must be touched by a player of either team other than the person who takes the kick before a goal is scored.
The person throwing in the ball must throw the ball overhead with both hands and keep both feet remaining on the ground out-of-bounds or on the line until the ball is released. Fighting is not allowed and will NOT be tolerated. All parties involved in fighting will be sent off red carded from the game and subject to ejection from the league at PSG staff discretion. Two yellow cards in the same game or one red card require the ejected player to leave the field and surrounding area.
Any player who receives a red card will receive an automatic 1 game suspension for the team's next scheduled game. All proceeding rules for 11v11 apply unless stated or clarified below. Normal soccer laws apply with the exception that 6 v 6 is played on a smaller field with a smaller goals and the following rules:. Any of the above rules are subject to change at any time without notice at the discretion of Players Sports Group. Shin guards are strongly recomended for play in PSSG leagues.
All teams must wear unifying colors, either the t-shirts that PSSG provides or their own jerseys. For facilities with artificial turf grass, shoes with cleats must be soccer shoes. Football shoes or other shoes with a front cleat are not permitted.
All teams should bring a game ball to play with. At the beginning of the second half, the teams will switch sides and the team that did not kickoff at the beginning of the game will kickoff. No games will be rescheduled for reasons once the second half starts in any game.
Each game will consist of two 20, 25 or 28 minute halves depending on league with a running clock. Halftime is about 1 minute long. The clock may be stopped for injuries and situations under the discretion of the referee. Kickoffs are taken from the center spot and may be kicked directly backwards. A player other than the one who takes the kickoff from either team must touch the ball before the kicker can touch it a second time.
A violation of this rule will result in a re-kick. Kickoffs are direct kicks and a goal can be scored directly. A foul may be called and a direct free kick may be awarded when a player commits or attempts to commit any of the following:. When the free kick is taken, the penalized team shall give the kicker at least 5 yards clearance. Slide tackles by field players are not allowed. Repeated slide tackles may result in a yellow or red card. A slide to save a ball when an opponent is not in the immediate vicinity is legal.
Goalkeepers may slide tackle within their own penalty area only. All kicks free kicks, corner kicks, goal kicks, kickoffs, kick-ins are direct. However non-penal fouls that occur within the penalty area will bring the ball out to the top of the box for a direct kick not a penalty kick.
If a player commits a foul to take away an obvious scoring opportunity, the player should be cautioned or sent off. If in the opinion of the referee that the foul was not intentional, he may yellow card the player. If a player commits an intentional foul to prevent an obvious goal scoring opportunity he may be sent off.
If, in the referee's judgment, a player exhibits particularly dangerous or aggressive behavior, or repeatedly commits fouls that threaten the safety of other players persistent infringement , that player may be given a yellow card and a two minute penalty. A yellow card for anything is an automatic 2 minute penalty for the player shown the card except the goalkeeper. Another field player may serve the 2 minute penalty on behalf of the keeper.
If a goal is scored against the short-handed team during the penalty, the penalty is over and the penalized player may return to the game. If a two minute penalty is called against the same amount of players on both teams at the same time, each team may replace the penalized players for at least two minutes and play at full strength. If in the event of a second yellow card to the same player or a serious penalty or offence, deemed so by the referee, that player will be red carded and the team is given a five minute penalty.
If a goal is scored against the short-handed team during the penalty, the penalty is over and the penalized team may return to full strength. Extended suspensions are possible for fighting or severe conduct as well.
If a five minute penalty is called against the same amount of players on both teams at the same time, each team may replace the penalized players and play at full strength. Fighting will absolutely not be tolerated. Additional game suspensions will be enforced by the PSG office staff.
At the end of the regular season teams will be seeded for a single elimination tournament. During the season, wins are worth 3 points, ties are worth 1 point, and a loss is 0 points. Teams with the same amount of points are separated by the following criteria:.
If there is a tie involving 3 or more teams and one of them has a forfeit, that team loses the tiebreaker and the tie breaking criteria starts over with head to head result for the remaining two or more teams.
During the regular season, tie games will stand. Instead, games will go into a shootout. Each team will choose 5 players minimum 2 females for coed leagues to shoot in the first round. If a team is playing shorthanded with only one female, she may shoot twice in the first round of five. Any player is eligible to participate in the shootout regardless of whether they were on the field at the end of the game or not.
Teams will take turns shooting. At the end of the first 5 shooters, the team with the most goals wins. If the score is tied after 5 shooters, the shootout turns into sudden death. Once a team is done using all of their players, both teams may start over and use players for a second time. The referee has the complete discretion to increase the distance of the shot at WCF only if he decides it is in the interest of finalizing the game. Each team will choose 1 player a female must be selected every third shooter ; the overtime is a sudden death shootout.
In the coed league male or female players can shoot in any order 1 st , 2 nd , or 3 rd shooter. The first team to score and defend the opponent from scoring in the same round wins. If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office at so we can let your opponent know.
FIFA rules are used in the instance that a specific law is not listed. Any specified rules listed herein supersede the FIFA laws of the game. Each game will consist of two 20 minute halves with a running clock. Halftime is no more than 1 minute. For coed leagues, each team shall field 7 players, with a minimum of 2 females. If a team does not have 2 females, it may play with 1 female and 5 males. The minimum number of players needed to play a game is 5 minimum 1 female.
Men's teams may play with a minimum of 5 total players. Teams may substitute "on the fly" at any point during the game. Players must enter and exit from their own bench only. When the ball leaves the field of play on the sides of the field, a kick-in is awarded to the other team. The ball must be kicked in at the point that the ball left the field no further than 1 yard from the netting or boards. Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X.
Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards League of Legends what happens if everyone one one team leaves? User Info: samuricex. There's a short countdown then the other team wins.
Come here and try. More topics from this board Or would the game keep going for a certain amount of time just in case someone reconnects.
This is especially relevant in cases where you are having a LAN party and the internet goes out momentarily. What about if you are having a LAN party with 10 friends and are in a custom game together. If the internet goes out, what happens to the game? Will it automatically end or will it continue for a while in case the players reconnect. You can see this in the following pro match, where one of the teams decided to surrend before the 20 minutes mark, having had a really bad early game :.
This one may be a bit trickier to answer, as there is no mean to trace the game once all player left. Based on the behavior if a full team leaves, I guess the game would still continue, until one of the team has his minions destroying the ennemy nexus which will happen at one point, try it in a custom game. As suggested by Lyrion, it seems that if all 10 players are disconnected from a game or leave the game on purpose , they will not be able to reconnect.
This could imply that the game has been ended. However, this observation was made in a custom game, and this behavior may be specific for these games. Four friends and I were playing a game as a premade 5. Shortly into the game we noticed that there were no enemy champions. We began wondering where they were. At 5 minutes into the game, we received the enemy has disconnected message for all of them. The game continued; we just destroyed their towers and eventually their nexus.
The game lasted only 9. In essence, you don't want this to happen to you, as it becomes a very boring game. In fact, it's a 0v5, and you continue playing until you win. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What happens when everyone on a team disconnects or leaves in League of Legends?