When dog gets skunked
Once you address their face, you can tackle the rest of their smelly body. There are several methods for getting rid of skunk smell on a dog, but keep in mind that most methods, depending upon how badly your dog has been sprayed, will need to be repeated more than once. Attempt the following methods outside if possible so that you can avoid bringing the smell into your home.
Also try to stay in a lighted area where the skunk will be less likely to revisit. Dogs can vomit if they lick the mixture. It can also be flammable, so do not smoke while using this mixture.
Konecny also warns against creating this mixture before a possible incident and storing it, as the mixture could explode if left in a bottle. The hydrogen peroxide can also cause some bleaching on black dogs, so the longer it stays on, the more bleaching you may see. You may have to repeat these steps several times, and if your dog is white, they may temporarily turn orange after the bath, according to Dr.
Again, consult your veterinarian about whether this is the right option for your dog and on how often you should repeat. You can typically get these products from your veterinarian or any place that sells pet supplies.
If you live in an area where skunks are common, it may be a good idea to keep the product on hand to address the issue as soon as it comes up. After applying the mixture to all parts of your dog that may have been sprayed, rinse the dog thoroughly. We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule.
Request an appointment today! What Now? How do I get the odor out? Store bought De-Skunking Products There are several products you can buy at the store to de-skunk your dog, which I think work best, but one does not always have them on-hand when their dog gets sprayed. Appointments We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule.
Request Appointment. Close Font Resize. Keyboard navigation. Readable Font. Choose color black white green blue red orange yellow navi. The skunk oil will remain on your dog's coat until you get rid of it, and it will keep wafting up into the air.
The only way to get rid of it is to remove the oil, and that is best achieved if you do it in the open air. The Humane Society then recommends checking your dogs eyes for any redness or irritation, in which case, you should immediately flush their eyes with cool water. The next step is to find which of the many available remedies works best for your circumstances. There are a number of commercially available skunk shampoos available on the internet.
Note that these shampoos are not meant for shampooing skunks, but other animals who may have been the victims of skunks. We like to imagine skunks require different shampoos and conditioners named things like Vidal Le Pew. But I digress. Mix the ingredients together and, wearing rubber gloves, wash your dog with this solution. Do this as soon as your dog has been sprayed — the sooner the better.
Be careful not to get the solution in their eyes at all. Also, do not store this mixture ahead of time.