When was checkers created
Bannana May 13, I learned many things from this article. Before I didn't know or even think about which of these games came first. Thank you so much for teaching me about this topic. Wonderopolis is now one of my favorite websites. That is what we like to hear! Dear Wonderopolis, Thank you for teaching us about checkers and chess. We have learned a lot about checkers and chess and I think that checkers is better than chess.
We liked the video. We wonder the wonder of the day will be about unusual Sincerely,Isaac and Rodney. Wonderopolis May 13, Ben from Ms. Howell's 3rd grad May 12, Dear: Wonderopolis, Nice wonder. I don't know how to play chess, but I am good at checkers.
Can you teach me how to play? From, Ben. Wonderopolis May 12, Yuridia May 12, Dear wonderopilis Thank you for the wonder.
I did not now that there is such a thing like I wonder if there is such a thing like I like the video. It was so cool!!!!!! From , Yuridia. Alejandro May 12, Hey wonderopilis, I liked the information you gave me. I really like chess and checkers, like you.
I learned that chess and checkers have a different history. My perspective is, I think chess is better than checkers. Awesome video! Miss Bumgarner's 4th Grade May 12, We enjoyed reading about which came first: chess or checkers!
We are wondering why checkers are flat and chess pieces are tall figurines? I play chess, but i'm better at checkers! This was a really interesting wonder, nice job wonderopolis!
Related Wonders for You to Explore Match its definition: the ways of a particular group at a particular time and place. Word Match Congratulations! Share results. Play Again Quit. Next Question. See your results. Share Results. Retake The Quiz. Be the first to know! Share with the World Tell everybody about Wonderopolis and its wonders. Share Wonderopolis. Add widget. You Got It! Circumstantial evidence points to the fact that Polish checkers was devised at the court of Philippe the 11th of Orleans regent from by an oce of the court.
The latter collaborated with a Polish gentleman, who thought the game could be made more interesting if a piece could take diagonally backwards as well as forwards. The officer then suggested that the game might become still more interesting if it were played on a bigger board.
Further modications, mainly concerning the powers of movement and capture by the king, were later made. The game spread throughout Asia and Europe over the coming centuries, and eventually evolved into what we know as chess around the 16th century. The rules of chess have remained largely unchanged since the 19th century when the game became popular in Europe with the first World Chess Championship in Archeological evidence from ancient Ur in modern-day Iraq reveals that a precursor to checkers was played there as early as BC.
Another precursor to checkers called Alquerque was played in ancient Egypt as far back as BC. About the 12th century AD an early form of the game was adapted to the square chessboard, and by the 16th century the rule compelling capture had been added, producing a game essentially the same as modern checkers.
Vote count:. No ratings so far! An archeological dig in the Iraqi city of Ur unearthed a game that looks very similar to checkers. Carbon dating puts the game around 3, B. It is impossible to know exactly what the rules were for this early version of the game. Egyptian pharaohs played a game called Alquerque on a five-by-five board. The ancient Greeks also had a version of checkers that goes back as far as B.
It was mentioned by both Homer and Plato in their works. The French version of checkers was originally called Fierges and was developed around The game was played on a square chessboard.