When was django 1.0 released

Although scripting languages included libraries to deal with day-to-day web-related tasks, they lacked unified frameworks, as libraries were usually disparate in design, usage, and conventions. Therefore, the need for cohesive frameworks arose. A few years ago, the model-view-controller MVC pattern for web-based applications was introduced. This software engineering pattern separates data model , user interface view , and data-handling logic controller so that one can be changed without affecting the others.

The benefits of this pattern are obvious. With it, designers can work on the interface without worrying about data storage or management. Developers are able to program the logic of data handling without getting into the details of presentation.

As a result, the MVC pattern quickly found its way into web languages, and serious web developers started to embrace it in preference to previous techniques. The following diagram illustrates how each of the components of the MVC pattern interacts with each other to serve a user request:. Python is a general purpose programming language. Although it is used for a wide variety of applications, Python is very suitable for developing web applications.

It has a clean and elegant syntax. It is supported by a large library of standard and contributed modules, which covers everything from multi-threading to the zipping of files. The language's object-oriented model is especially suited for MVC style development.

Sooner or later, performance will become a major concern with web projects. Python's runtime environment shines here, as it is known to be fast and stable. Python supports a wide range of web servers through modules, including the famous Apache.

Python also supports a wide array of database servers, but you won't have to deal directly with them. Django provides a unified layer of access to all available database engines, as we will see later. You are even allowed to distribute it without having to pay any fees. Access to the source code is available to those who want to add features or fix bugs. As a result, Python enjoys a large community of developers who quickly fix bugs and introduce new features.

Python is very easy to learn, and it is being adopted in many universities as the first programming language to be taught. Although this book assumes working knowledge of Python, advanced features will be explained as they are used.

Since the spread of the MVC pattern into web development, Python has provided quite a few choices when it comes to web frameworks such as Django, TurboGears, and Zope. Although choosing one out of many can be confusing initially, having several competing frameworks can only be a good thing for the Python community. That's because it drives the development of all the frameworks further and provides a rich set of options to choose from.

Django is one of the available frameworks for Python, so the question is: What sets it apart to become the topic of this book, and what makes it popular in the Python community? The next subsections will answer these questions by providing an overview of the main advantages of Django. An interesting historical note: when Django was first released in July , the initial released version of Django came from an internal repository at revision number It seems fitting that our 1.

The release of Django 1. In a nutshell, this means that code you develop against Django 1. X release. See the API stability guide for full details. If you have apps written against Django 0. Since Django 0. In fact, new documentation is one of our favorite features of Django 1. The documentation has been greatly improved, cleaned up, and generally made awesome. Anywhere you see something like:. FILES items in request. Remove version string from templates. Thanks to blag for the report and fixes.

Thanks to Mikalai Radchuk for the fix. Thanks to Simon Charette for the fix. Thanks to Michael Nacharov for the fix. Thanks to Adam Thomas for the report. Thanks to Michael J. Schultz for the fix. Thanks to Brad Montgomery for the fix. Thanks to Mads Jensen for the fix.

Thanks to Areski Belaid for the fix. Thanks to Kevin Massey for the report and fix. Thanks to Craig de Stigter for the fix. Thanks to Miles Hutson for the report and Mads Jensen for the fix. Thanks to S. Andrew Sheppard for the fix. Thanks to Kevin Brown for the fix. Thanks to Mike Lissner for the report and fix. Thanks to Tom Linford for the fix. Thanks to nypisces for the report and fix. Thanks to Mick Parker for the report and fix.

Thanks to Luis San Pablo for the fix. Thanks to Benjamin Phillips for the fix. Thanks to Ryan Hiebert for the fix. Thanks to jslang for the fix 3. ListField enforces input is a list. Resolve parsing bug when accessing request. HTML controls for filters. Escape username in optional logout tag. Don't error on missing ViewSet. FILES property without raising incorrect deprecated error. Fix for relational select widgets rendering without any choices.

Add AdminRenderer. Add DurationField. Security fix : Escape tab switching cookie name in browsable API. For full details see the 3. Django 1. He studied at the University of Georgia. Senior Writer and Reviewer Twitter.


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