Where is cairne bloodhoofs grave

In a combined effort, the sorcery of all three races were needed to purge the demonic influence from Hellscream.

United in arms, Cairne pledged the loyalty of his race to the Horde, and together, they managed to defeat the Burning Legion once again. Cairne helped the orcs establish their new nation of Durotar before bidding them farewell and leaving to take his own people to a new land in Mulgore. There, they established a strong defense against the centaurs and harpies who harassed them. Several months later, however, Cairne's son, Baine Bloodhoof , was captured by centaurs.

Cairne feared the worst, and slipped into a lethargic depression. His followers scrambled to lead their people adequately, but they were no substitute for Cairne's wisdom. His second, Tagar , tried to help Cairne, but Cairne would not hear of it. Tagar feared that without the leadership of Cairne, the tauren would not last long.

When Rexxar and Rokhan arrived to ask Cairne for the tauren's assistance in the coming battle against Admiral Proudmoore and his Kul Tiras forces, Cairne told them to leave him and tell Thrall that he had died. Tagar told the heroes of Baine's capture, and they quickly left to investigate his disappearance. With the help of Bovan Windtotem , they recovered Baine and returned him to his happy father.

Cairne, overjoyed, told Rexxar that not only would he pledge the service of his people to Thrall once more, he would be returning himself. He joined with Rexxar's band of warriors and returned to Dustwallow , and then helped to repel Proudmoore's forces.

Victorious, they then took the fight to the humans and ended Proudmoore's invasion. Cairne returned to his people and his son in Mulgore. Cairne also recognized that the nomadic traditions of tauren society were a danger to the survival of the people. There were few tauren, and their wandering lifestyle meant that they would be vulnerable to attacks by centaur, quilboar and other races. With the help of the Horde, Cairne secured the grasslands of Mulgore as a permanent home for the tauren, and constructed their first city high atop Thunder Bluff.

Cairne is dedicated to serving his people and to watching over their safety in an ever-darkening world. An outstanding warrior, Cairne is considered one of the most dangerous creatures alive.

Despite his strength and valor, he is a gentle soul who longs only for the peace and tranquility of the open plains. It is rumored that if he could lay the responsibilities of chieftain on another, Cairne would leave Thunder Bluff in an instant and retire to the wilds.

Many believe that he is training his son, Baine, to take his place as chieftain one fateful day. Cairne Bloodhoof employed only tauren holy striders , out of respect of their long heritage.

Although his demeanor did not suggest a covert mind, Cairne does not disclose how many holy striders he employed, only that they are all tauren. Cairne was the spiritual leader for the tauren tribes in Kalimdor.

He had an incredibly strong connection with the environment and deeply respected both the elemental forces and the natural beasts of the wild. Cairne was an extremely wise individual, but his lumbering demeanor often comes across as ponderously slow to members of other races. He always prefered to contemplate problems before acting to try to solve them, and frequently meditated for several days in a row without interruption.

However, when he did decide to act, Cairne could rarely be deterred from his path. He fought with incredible passion, but was never out of control. He prefered to observe his enemies before fighting them so that he could more fully understand their strengths and weaknesses. Cairne had a very trusting attitude toward orcs and greatly respects their newly shamanistic culture.

Night elves are likewise regarded positively because of their strong connection with the woodland environment. However, he usually avoided humans, dwarves and goblins; and if they had to be dealt with, he tended to treat them in a patronizing manner. Cairne believed that the spiritual eyes of these races have not fully opened yet, and that members of these races are, in essence, children who are still learning and must be coddled. He had great disdain for the arcane practices of high elves and deeply resented their abandonment of the natural ways.

This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft. Cairne Bloodhoof is a level?? He starts the quest [16] Rites of the Earthmother. I am intrigued. We've come to help you reach the Oracle. However, those metal-clad pinkskins look like trouble. There's no need to coddle me, boy.

I may be old, but I'm not helpless. Well, Thrall did much for us in his time, and we will not fail him. My warriors will rendezvous with the warchief upon the battlefield, but I will be returning with YOU!

Comment by this guy isnt easy hes harder then sylvanas easier then thrall couple alliance attemped to down him on ysondre realm and only a couple 30s and 40s came to defend but carnie destroyed all the alliance he even made some go flying of tb lol. Comment by Volcan Does anybody know if any player obtainable weapon in the game has the same model as his Or trunk mace?

So if you wanna see its looks on your character, search for Cairnes Totem Weapon in model viewer. Comment by It is strange, however, that Blizzard changed Cairne's weapon. I know those who played WC 3, Cairne wielded some kind of hallberd. Not that I dislike the totem as a weapon, but I suppose they could leave him like in WC 3.

It's still cool, yet intimidating. Comment by Killed Cairn last night, he dropped around 90g in total and 50 honor for everyone! Comment by A recent attack on TB showed Old Cairne had around 1,, HP anyone who has downed him have similar numbers or is my mod way off? Comment by Mecha Health: 1,, Group Size: Has been done with 5 people many times with no horde interference Drops: Gold Honor Gain: 5,, Leader Split among living participants upon his death Basic Cairne Bloodhoof is practically the easiest faction leader in the game.

He has just over 1 Million health and several abilities that let him pack a punch, but nothing you can't handle without reading about it ahead of time. This will cause an ungodly amount of guards to spawn. Instead, come up the main elevator and immediately take your raid to the right, straddling across the edge of Thunder Bluff. By staying on the right behind the buildings the entire time, it will take you directly behind Cairne's tent with no guards. This is where you can buff and get ready.

Be wary of the NPC on the left backside of his tent, they can spawn guards if someone gets to close. As soon as Cairne is aggroed, he will spawn a number of guards that's dependent on the amount of hostile players in his range. Simply put, the more people you have, the more guards are going to spawn. Thunder Bluff guards have a "Backhand" ability that knocks you down for a few seconds.

It's advised that you immediately rush Cairne into his tent so all the guards follow, then AE bomb them down. Guards will respawn every minutes as well, so make sure your AE group has enough mana to take care of it. You'll be fighting Cairne in his tent, so make sure your raid members are positioned so that horde outside will not get an easy ranged shot from outside.

If horde do attack, do NOT venture outside his tent. Reposition yourself where they cannot attack you. Going outside will most likely cause more NPCs to summon more guards. The tank should have his back against the right wall of the tent, and the casters on the far left wall with lots of range between the two groups. If all is going well, Cairne will not be doing big damage to the caster group at all. The only damage they will take is from Berserker Charge explained later and spawning guards.

He'll also do a cleave that used to attack all melee in degrees, but people said it now only hits targets in front of him. In any case, only have the main tank standing in front of him. Every seconds, he will perform a berserker charge. If you're not fighting him in his tent, this ability will most certainly knock that person off of Thunder Bluff and kill them from falling damage - this is why you are fighting him inside his tent.

The melee group will be taking constant damage so healers will need to be prepared with mana potions - never take fewer healers than you need.

If something goes wrong it can be a long fight for an undergeared group. Casters should heal themselves after each wave of guards or a beserker charge as healers will need to be concentrating on the tank and melee group.

If all goes well, Cairne will die and you'll have that much more honor and gold! Have fun and try some other city leaders! Hes a tauren 2. He is alone 3. He uses a giant log as a weapon. Comment by Cykotikone Something to note, unlike other city leaders. He is not immune to benfical magic effects. Buff away :D. He's in a house at the central hill, as far east you can come on it, at the third level.

Coordinates 60, Comment by Thottbot orgrimmar to thunderbluff FP is about Comment by Thottbot The bosses are basically identically to players except they have massive amount of HP. That being said, the bosses have different "true levels" Here are the list of faction bosses: Alliance: Highlord Bolvar, aka I didn't see a giant dragon standing five feet away from me, Fordragonat stormwind keep Archbishop, aka I have a basement inviting any horde warlock to summon raid me, Benedictusat stormwind cathedal King Magni, aka I need you to kill my son in law, Bronzebeardat ironforge highseat High Tinker, aka no nobody know I exist, Mekkarat ironforge Tinkertown Archdruid Faugon, need anger management, Staghelmat top of Cenarion Conclave at darnassus Priestess Tyrande, aka husband missing for ten thousand years, Whisperwindat temple of moon at Darnasus Lady Jaina, aka I love green Thrall more than blond Arthas , Proudmooreat top of the Theramore central keep Horde: Lady Sylvanas, aka I am the queen of Zerg..

Since there is a basement right beside him which is perfect for horde's summon sneak attack. The archdruid, Tyrande and Jaina are all standing at pretty cramped places, so they are a bit harder. Sylvanas and varimathas are standing together. Thrall and Vol'jin is standing together.

But no raid is really stupid enough to take two bosses on at the same time. They will simply pull one out. Again, all bosses are acting as players in term of damage, which means they can outlevel you by level, but you will still be able to hit them. According to the World of Warcraft Strategy guide, all the bosses are in fact level 63 with exception of Bolvar, Varimathas and Tyrande.

Don't flame me if I remembered wrong. As far as we know, he could have kicked Ragnaros' ass by himself if he tried. Tyrande Wisperwind, level sigh Though I did hear quite a few raid wipe from her by the starfall. It has been confirmed by my own eye that he does indeed use divine shield As far as I know, he is the only boss that will heal himself to full health.

The rest are the bits of information I had with how these bosses fight. I want his talent spec! Summon stormwind guards. Archbishop benedictusso far i heard is that he bashes you with his staff and cast holy nova. Don't become immune to magic though. In the political upheaval Cairne Bloodhoof is implicated as a traitor to the Horde and murdered by Garrosh. Cairne's son Baine takes over as the new Tauren chieftan.

This could explain why Baine was removed from the game in Patch 3. If blizzard really does this, WoW is over imo. Comment by Janrela finally stays dead after all the allies that kill him, and it has to be an orc that does it.

Comment by For the upcoming expansion pack R. P Cairne Bloodhoof. You were the most ignored but yet an awesome leader. WoW wont be the same without you, may the spirits guide you. Curses to Garrosh; the biggest idiot in Azeroth Sadly enough. I loved Grom Hellscream, and just the thought of a son of him being alive would be awesome.

I don't know how they did it, but they've made him at the same incompetent level at brains of Varian - Give back Thrall. Comment by what is the trousers he wear?

Comment by Mhmbrains Garrosh is a dumbass. Comment by Is he kite able? If he is so Comment by Reaperoftime Grants exp when killed can exp raid penalty. Comment by Undeadlord hope to god you dont meet an ele shammy on the elevator. Comment by zenmastervex Very straightforward, we went in with 10 people, no wipes, all with gearscores above You can regroup behind his tent if you need to, there's a very long flat area there.

Just AoE them down. We tried to check to see if he would stop it if we stopped dps, but it didn't matter. Comment by Can't people just take the Zeppelin from near Orgrimmar now, to avoid the lift problem? Might be best since you'll be able to avoid the AH. Comment by Wolfenpilot Looks like Grandpa Tauren can still kick ass.

Comment by annyone knows what is the weapon he wears? Comment by He is the real burger king. Comment by Gamerguy Apparently, in Cataclysm, Cairne is convicted of treason by Garrosh and is executed. Comment by Omg cairne doon't die your were the best character in warcraft i always loved to play as you people we must give respect to the best tauren in the world of warcraft R.

Comment by It also says on WoWWiki that he would die poisoned by the Grimtotems , so there's a high chance its true, although some could have made it up, and everybody believes them. Comment by I'd like to see Alliance get past the first bridge, last raid I saw on the Bluff, we killed them all befor they got to the pond! It sounds an awful lot like him. Comment by I'm gonna miss this guy in Cataclysm. He was 1 of my favourite characters in Warcraft.

I know his son will take his place but it will still not feel the same without him. He was truly Thrall's right hand. P Cairne. You were the best :'. He made a big splash in Northrend commanding the troops there, and many Horde warriors believe incorrectly that he was the one who singlehandedly defeated the Lich King. And now, he's ready to head back to Kalimdor, along with most of his warriors.

Cairne Bloodhoof arrives in Borean Tundra, acting as escort to the troops returning home with Garrosh. He's had little interaction with Garrosh before, but when kvaldir attack Garrosh's Landing, they're forced to work together, and Cairne learns much about Garrosh. Garrosh was a brilliant tactician, a fierce warrior, and loved by those he led. He also held grudges, was a hothead, and needed to learn the lessons of both respect and compassion.

Cairne would speak with Thrall immediately upon their return. After the battle, the Horde ships make their way back to Orgrimmar but are beset by powerful, unnatural storms.

Many of the boats are sunk, along with the soldiers and desperately needed supplies. Then, they spot an Alliance ship, nearly destroyed, drifting in Horde waters. Garrosh orders the ship destroyed, but Cairne immediately disagrees.

It hasn't shown hostilities; it is clearly disabled. Garrosh instead orders the survivors brought to his ship. He destroys the Alliance ship, gives the survivors skiffs and tells them to remember that today, Garrosh Hellscream saved their lives, that he was their life and death. Upon his return to Orgrimmar, a great festival is held, and Garrosh is presented with his father's axe, Gorehowl, by Thrall.

Everyone celebrates the end of the Northrend campaign. But not everything is great in Orgrimmar. Supplies are low in the already-unlivable Durotar thanks to extended droughts, and the night elves are so angry with the Horde after the Wrathgate incident that they've shut down all lines of trade with them.

In a meeting with Orgrimmar leadership, Thrall notes that Ashenvale has a surplus of resources and that it'd be wise to get back on the night elves' good side.

Garrosh says they should just attack them. Thrall and Cairne chide him, because post-Northrend, there's an Alliance-Horde truce. Garrosh politely but angrily leaves the meeting. After that meeting, Magatha corners Garrosh and tells him that he's just what the Horde needs and that he has the full support of the Grimtotem tribe. Garrosh accepts the compliment with some skepticism. It was not a time to be cautious. It was a time to be bold. They would understand once he gave them results.

When word of a night elf village in Ashenvale being destroyed gets back to Orgrimmar, it's assumed that Garrosh was the one who ordered it. He denies it. Hamuul Runetotem, on Thrall's urging, heads to Moonglade to try to negotiate with the night elves there, hoping that their status as druids will help matters. Meanwhile, Thrall, who's getting ready to leave the Horde temporarily to learn from the elements of Draenor, appoints Garrosh as interim leader of the Horde.

At first, Garrosh is worried that the position isn't right for him -- despite his earlier challenge to Thrall's title, he knows that it takes a certain kind of person to lead the Horde, and that perhaps he'd be more fit for something like military duty.

Thrall assures him that he's the best choice As Thrall leaves Orgrimmar for Draenor, Cairne stops him and tells him what a big mistake he's making by appointing Garrosh in charge. Cairne has some personal experience with Garrosh, and he can tell that he's too much like his father for his own good -- or the good of the Horde. Thrall tells him that if he thinks that Garrosh will mess up, he needs to act as his advisor.

Cairne refuses. They part with angry words. When Hamuul reaches the designated meeting place in Ashenvale Moonglade having been eschewed due to Remulos not wanting to get involved in mortal squabbles , both sides are attacked by a band of orcs and slaughtered. Hamuul is left for dead in a mass grave. We discover that the orcs who committed this crime and the one before it are Twilight cultists.

Unfortunately, Hamuul, who managed to survive the attack, doesn't get that memo. He sends word back to Cairne that everything's gone to hell. Cairne gets the news and heads to Orgrimmar, thinking that it was Garrosh that ordered the attacks.

The Mak'gora When Cairne arrives in Orgrimmar, he backhands Garrosh right on his painful new jaw tattoo. Garrosh denies being involved with the attacks. Cairne is fed up with him and demands a mak'gora, a duel of honor for control of the Horde. Garrosh can't believe it.

He makes a gambit, saying that if they're going to do mak'gora, they shouldn't do the more recent version, which is basically a "say uncle" kind of deal -- it should be the old mak'gora, a duel to the death. Cairne instantly agrees.

Again, Garrosh can't believe it. They agree to meet in the arena. The rules of the mak'gora state that each combatant is allowed a single weapon, and if they drop it, they can't pick it back up. They're allowed no armor, only a loincloth. And their weapons may be blessed by a shaman.

A random shaman blesses Cairne's runespear, and none other than Magatha Grimtotem offers to bless Gorehowl. Unbeknownst to Garrosh, she poisons the blade. Cairne beats the crap out of Garrosh easily. Garrosh manages to nick him on the chest with Gorehowl, and Cairne immediately gets faint.

Garrosh attempts to hit him again, a weak blow to force him back, but Cairne can't defend himself and the howling axe sinks into chest. Cairne dies.

Garrosh is bewildered. And so, I, who have lived my whole life with honor, die betrayed. The moment Cairne dies, Magatha orders her tribe to begin a night siege on Thunder Bluff and the surrounding towns. They wipe out nearly every other tauren in the area.

Baine Bloodhoof, who wasn't even yet aware that his father had died, is alerted by a Grimtotem defector that his life is in danger and they have to leave immediately. They cause a kodo stampede to distract the Grimtotem and escape. The Grimtotem defector heads to Ratchet while Baine contacts Garrosh for help.

Gazlowe agrees to supply Baine with a huge amount of supplies and explosives -- for nothing. He always liked "the old bull. Garrosh agrees, still reeling from the death of an old tauren he didn't even necessarily dislike. Magatha, who had sent word to Garrosh as well, asking for help in the face of Baine's forces, is greeted by the following message: Unto Elder Crone Magatha of the Grimtotem, Acting Warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream Sends his most sincere wishes for a slow and painful death.

She electrocutes the messenger. He doesn't kill her, instead sending her to live alone in Stonetalon, saying that if he ever sees her again, he'll kill her. Garrosh expects Baine to challenge him as well, but Baine tells him that Cairne meant to help the Horde with the mak'gora, and that another challenge wou.

Comment by Dreadmight Neat story above me- really hope all of this is some phased quest experience for the pre-cataclysm event. Just wanted to chime in and mention that Cairne has spontaneously developed two totems on his back, ala classic Warcraft shaman style. Swing by and check it out. Comment by killerdinoblood R. P Cairne Bloodhoof! You will be missed. Comment by R. Cairne Bloodhoof. Comment by Sadly, the Cairne and Malfurion sitcom willl never happen. Comment by Satyr : The most charismatic Horde leader.

I hope he will rise up to avenge. Leaders like Cairne can't die just like that. Comment by zomg5 ah jeez one of my favorite character since WC3 and now dead in WoW. Soon after the Elements of Azeroth are deeply disturbed and will not answer the shaman's call Think Deathwing , Thrall decides that he will leaves Azeroth to head to the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand to find out how he can help the Elements.

He cannot leave the Horde without a warchief and appoints Garrosh Hellscream as its acting warchief until he returns. Cairne disbelieves that Garrosh is a good choice but goes along with it but once the treaty between the Alliance and Horde which was made just after the Lich King fell is broken as Ashenvale took an attack on the lumber the Horde were originally harvesting and some of the Night Elf sentinels were butchered in their defense.

Then when the Cenarion Circle under Cairne's request meet to resume lumber trading in Ashenvale they are attacked by orcs from the Twilight Hammer who disguise themselves as orcs from the Horde. When Cairne finds out about this he believes that Garrosh was behind both these incidents he storms in on Garrosh and challenges him to Mak'gora which is a duel with just a weapon, no armor and a blessing but Garrosh raises it to the orcish old ways; fight to the death.

Unknown to Garrosh his "blessing" from the Grimtotem Magatha was poison that with one cut would kill instantly. This was the plan that Magatha was waiting for to reclaim Thunder Bluff as her own and stealing the honor from Garrosh as he knew nothing about it. When Garrosh and Cairne's weapons collided during combat, Gorehowl shattered Cairne's Runespear and he took a small graze to the chest.

Soon after started to feel weak and looked like his old age was getting the better of him which Garrosh didn't think anything of delt the killing blow. Thinking he was victorious until later revealed by Eitrigg what she had done to his blade. Garrosh saw that not only had Magatha stolen his honorable kill but actually threw the Tauren race into danger until Baine Bloodhoof thanks to the help of Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Andurin Wrynn and the mace Fearbreaker Given to Andurin by Magni Bronzebeard just before he turned to stone reclaimed Thunder Bluff and banished Magatha and the remaining Grimtotem to Stonetalon Mountains where they will be killed by either wildlife or any passer-by who saw them.

Hope that covers it for you.. Comment by Cairne will be missed by all lore nerds! Comment by ClanniaFarstride A great man leaves us soon. Cairne is being poisoned and is dying. He was a great leader and a friend to Thrall.

The Tauren have always been good allies to the Horde and I hope this will remain the case for years to come. May the Greatmother watch over you, Cairne, and you will always have a special place in my heart. The Horde will not be the same without you. Comment by Polypheimus Okay, first off, Cairne Bloodhoof challenged Garrosh Hellscream to a duel to the death because Cairne thought he was the rightful temporary-warchief He was totally right.

So the duel starts and Cairne is quite simply, kicking Garrosh's ass. He's stabbed him in the right arm and shoulder so that arm is out. So whilst Cairne is slowly but surely winning, Cairne gets an extremely shallow cut on his chest from Garrosh's weapon. He thinks nothing of it until he starts to become extremely weak. It turns out Magatha Grimtotem, leader of the Grimtotem had poisoned the tip of Garrosh's weapon.

So Cairne becomes really weak and Garrosh is able to defeat him. So now Baine Bloodhoof is left as the leader of the Tauren. That is how it really happened. Hope this clears things up. Comment by Murcia You will be missed, Cairne :. Comment by Feralterror This is my final words for you Cairne. Brave Cairne Bloodhoof, you were one of our greatest heroes. You were all that kept the Taurens going.


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