Poptropica nabooti where is the hard hat
Go back and press the green button to ignite the oil. This should open up a new passageway. This takes a while, but eventually you will reach the end. Once you do, you will find yourself in a cave. Go to the pile of diamonds, and click on it.
The Nabooti jewel is on the left. Take it, then go up through the hole. You will be at the plane. Go to Nabooti.
She will tell you to put them in the correct order. Once this is done, the statue will then launch into deep space. Then you will get the medallion! Ever wanted to learn cheats and some cool stuffs about Poptopica? Well you're on the right site. Here on Poptropica Buddies you'll find all island walkthrough guide, cheats, codes, free stuffs and more! If you need a walkthrough guide for your island walkthrough, simply click Popbuddies Guides and Walkthrough and you'll find all the topics and walkthrough guides we've posted for all you buddies!
Also don't forget to visit the PopBuddies Daily everyday! Cheats, free stuffs and good news are all listed there. You'll find it very useful for your Poptropica avatar. Simple click PopBuddies icon and you'll find all the daily news and cheats we've posted for every Poptropica Buddies visitor. You'll find the archives icon at the side of "Cheats and Walkthroughs" banner.
The icon looks like a documents picture. To find PopBuddies Daily icon, you can also see it at the right side of the "Cheats and Walkthrough" banner below archives. If you wanted to submit or ask something about Poptropica, don't be shy to send us! We'll always be your buddies! Have fun! Posted 8 years ago , with 0 notes. Blue Nile Falls First, climb up the waterfall on the left. Get the blue lily. Exit the cave and go back to the plane.
Mountains of the Moons This is the most frustrating part of Nabooti Island. Get up to the old man, and he will challenge you to a game of mancala. Once you win, he will let you go into the cave. Go to the bottom, and get a cell phone. Jump across the snowy ledges, and get the red jewel. Exit mountains of the moon. Giza Go to the tomb raiders, and one will give you a shovel.
Then hide at the top of the sphinx, and use your cell phone. Inside the Sphinx Go to your right until you see a block with four rectangles on it. Follow the instructions below in order to make them flat: Click on number 1 rectangle. Click on number 3 rectangle. Click on number 4 rectangle Jump up the small rocks to reach a room with four blocks.
Follow the instructions below to make them in order: If you make a mistake, pull the reset switch to try again. Push block number 4 off and push it left until it is roundabout where the reset sign is. Push block number 1 off and push it to number 4. Push number 2 off but then push it so it is under the ledge. Push block number 3 of and align it with the others. Follow the instructions below to make it to the top: Jump on the block with a person. Jump on the block with an upturn boat and a jagged line.
Jump on the block with a bird and a staff. Jump on the block with an eye and a boat. Once you have reached the top click on the rope to go up. Follow the instructions below to achieve the task: If you make a mistake, pull the reset switch to try again.
Grab the jewel and exit the room to your left. Kaya Forest Go to the top of one of the trees, and get the gold nugget. Go to where he was, and use the shovel from Giza. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. You get it from the Safari. Study guides. Q: Where is the hard hat on nabooti island on poptropica?
Write your answer Related questions. What do you use the hard hat on Poptropica? What is the volume of a hard hat? Where do you use the hard hat in poptropica? What do you do with the hard hat on poptropica in Nabooti? How do you get the workers hat on Counterfeit Island in poptropica? On poptropica's nabooti island where is the hard hat? What isLAnd do you get a blaCk hat in on poptropica? How do you get the hard hat on nabooti island on Poptropica? How do you get the brain hat off on Nabooti Island on poptropica?
What do you do after you get the hard hat on nabooti island? Where do you get the hard hat on nabooti island? How do you get the jewel from safari in poptropica? How do you get the black hat on nabooti island on poptropica? How do you get the hard hat in nabooti island? How do you get the hard hat for the diamond mines on Nabooti island? How do you get a hard hat in nabooti island? Where do you find the hard hat for diamond mines on Nabooti Island?
What do you do once you have the hard hat on Nabooti island? What do you do in the diamond mines nabooti island poptropica? How do you jump the gate in nabooti island in the diamond mine? Give some information about hard hats? Jump on and make your way up. Stop underneath the next railings and wait for the cart to fall.
Jump up and run along. First click the green light to turn it off. Now push the flammable canister right until it stops at a rock. Go back to the green button and turn it on. This should ignite the oil trail left by the canister. When it reaches the canister, it should blow, destroying the rock in front of it. Turn off the green button again and push the canister to the very end.
Go back and press the green button to ignite the oil. This should open up a new passageway. Go right and push the mine cart forward. This should start the mine cart ride. Go right and jump on the platform via the bump in the wall. Jump up again until you are on the pile of diamonds.
Click on the diamonds to view them. Click and hold onto the magnified glass in the right-hand corner. Move it to one of the gems to the left until you see a marking on one of them.
Hold it over the diamond until it asks if you want to take it. You will now have the last jewel, the White Jewel. Climb up the rope. Now go to the plane. Fly north-east back to Nabooti. Go right and enter the Nabooti African Museum again.
Go down the bottom and talk to the girl. All you have to do now is put the jewels in the right order based on the clues given. Follow the instructions below to put the jewels in the right order:. Congratulations, you have finished Nabooti Island! As a reward you will receive the Nabooti Island medallion and credits to spend at the Poptropica Store. Looking for more walkthroughs? Check out our Island Help page! These pictures are collected in your Poptropica photo album in the profile section.
Click to enlarge. I have a hack for you guys! Cool, huh? I had all of the Jewels and saved it. When I came back a day later I was missing the jewel that I got by giving the ghosts a Fingo. I went back to the spot with the ebony elephant and it was not there. I also do NOT have the Fingo. Can you help? In Giza 2, where the depiction of the platforms is, if you click the 4th block, the 3rd block, and the 1st block, the platforms will be flattened.
Have you noticed that the lady who collects figs is the same poptropican but with facepaint? But i love cheese. Hijuyo: Costumize another piece of clothing of the same anatomical area from another character.
I typed it in on google and this showed up. Now I am getting all my answers from here! I made a new character and I open the internet at A. When it goes into space??! Or just click space while wearing it. So fun!!! Any people who have solved every island, could you try this? Thanks for helping me! I got 9 medals now because this website helped me a lot on my adventures. I cant get the white jewel.
I found it but it wont let me choose it!!! Hi, It was SO helpful! Now I have got it. Thank you so much I could not have completed this without this a little long though and hard to understand but other than that helpful! This is how i got the white gem:I got a pencil and marked the gems until i found the right one,and now i have to clean the screen.
I finished Nabooti. Slanted Fish: Check out our Island Help page for the list of islands, guides, and more! Hi, Nabooti Island is so cool!!!! Thanks so much!!!! I think all your guides are great!! Thanks for your help! I tried this island without the guide but I only found 2 gems! I never knew that the totem will fly away to space!
Thanks PHB staff! This guide helped me finish Nabooti. I got stuck a couple of times, and no way would I have completed it without your help. I did the glitch where you jump onto the area where the totem was, and it looked like I was floating!
Thanks for your help Fast Flame. Hi there! Reading through this post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this page to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing! You have helped ma beat all current islands, I think astro knights is the hardest and longest one ever. Hyper Gamer December 25, at pm I found a cheat that might work to bypass members only block on islands.
For Big Nate island: 1. Use the link static. Notes: You just need all the room codes for the places where the jewels are and for the museum. You also need to enter a code every time you want to go somewhere.