Psa 3.1 what does it mean
You may be required to have further tests to determine the stage of the cancer. The cancer stage indicates whether the cancer has remained within the prostate gland or has spread outside of the prostate to surrounding areas or other parts of the body.
How your prostate cancer is treated will depend on your PSA results, the grade and stage of the cancer, your symptoms, your overall health and your personal preferences. If there is a low risk that your prostate cancer will cause you harm, you may be offered Active Surveillance. This involves regular testing to check for any changes to the cancer. If the cancer changes you may need treatment. If your cancer is higher risk, you will be offered treatment.
Different treatments come with differing side effect some of which include urinary problems, erectile dysfunction, bowel problems, fatigue, depression and anxiety. PCFA has written to the Commonwealth Government to seek funding support for a five-year review and update of the PSA Test Guidelines, on the basis that the current guidelines remain highly controversial and poorly understood by the majority of Australians.
Moreover, prostate cancer treatment has changed markedly over the past five years, with significant advances in clinical care and a drastic reduction in rates of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. It is therefore timely for us to undertake a comprehensive review of the guidelines and consider the emerging evidence on prostate cancer screening, incidence, and survival in the Australian context. Investment in a revised set of PSA Test Guidelines and increased public awareness activity holds great potential for improving prostate cancer awareness and survival in Australia.
Visit PCFA for information and support at www. How is PSA measured? What do the results mean? What could affect my PSA level? It depends on several things, including: your age the older you are, the higher your PSA level will be. Because the PSA level is related to both normal prostate tissue as well as prostate cancer, there are other conditions that may cause you to have raised PSA levels, such as: Benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH or enlarged prostate: This is a common condition that happens when the prostate grows larger with age.
What are the next steps? Points worth remembering Taking your partner, family member or a close friend with you when you see your doctor can be helpful when discussing your diagnosis and treatment options with your specialist.
An abnormal PSA result does not necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. Research is also showing PSA velocity may be able to predict survivability from prostate cancer as men with a PSA increase of.
The Prostate Health Index was recently approved for the detection of prostate cancer. The PHI is a simple blood test that combines three tests in one. Research has shown that the test is better at detecting prostate cancer than the traditional PSA screening. Because this test is very new, it is possible your physician has not heard of it yet.
If you are interested in the test, talk with your doctor and discuss your risk, the test, and how to use the information from the test. While none of these tests are conclusive on their own, when performed in addition to a PSA test, DRE Digital Rectal Exam , and a biopsy, they can provide each patient with more information about their specific cancer and can aid in both the diagnosis and decision on treatment.
Read more on this and further additional testing. Learn: Webinars and Videos. Learn: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle. Learn: Questions for Your Doctor. Learn: Prostate Cancer News. X Search. X Patient Support Hotline Call ZERO is a free, comprehensive patient support service to help patients and their families navigate insurance and financial obstacles to cover treatment and other critical needs associated with cancer.
X Subscribe to our E-Newsletter Stay up-to-date on the latest news about prostate cancer. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Main Menu X. Patient Looking for Support? Call What is the PSA test? What is Prostate-Specific Antigen? What is the controversy surrounding PSA screening? When should I get a PSA test? How can I get a PSA test? The following are some general PSA level guidelines: 0 to 2. However, there are several other reasons why a PSA result might be high: Advanced age Recent biopsy Catheter Injury to pelvic region or prostate Prostatitis Riding a bicycle Sex within the past 24 hours Supplements that effect testosterone Urinary tract infection If you have an elevated PSA, talk with your doctor about your activities and your health.
The American Urological Association recommends the following:. It is important to note that PSA levels can rise naturally with age, and that a number of benign not cancerous conditions can also affect PSA levels, such as prostatitis inflammation of the prostate , benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH, enlarged prostate , urinary tract infection UTI , or even injury to the prostate. Other factors such as sexual activity right before testing, certain exercises, or even diet can impact the PSA levels as well.
It is essential to consult a doctor regarding the meaning and next steps of your PSA testing results. We mentioned earlier in this article that PSA levels increase with age due to age related growth of the prostate gland. A doctor will therefore take into account an age-adjusted PSA level when discussing your prostate health:. Age Range years. Today, this is not a course of action recommended by the American Urological Association.
In such cases, multiparametric prostate MRI mpMRI is now recommended as the best front-line test to detect—or rule out—prostate cancer.